Our Lord provides everything and owns everything. We have the privilege to worship Him by offering our time, talent and treasure. We pray you have found the peace and joy of giving personally, knowing that you are investing in eternal Kingdom work. At Grandin Court Baptist Church, we recognize the importance of being good stewards of your gifts and pledge our commitment to wisely manage and spend His resources. Financial reports detailing revenues and expenses are always available to our members. You can secure a copy by attending our regularly scheduled business meetings or contacting our church office.
We have multiple methods available for you to provide your gifts and resources. Please review the following methods to see which best fit your needs. You will receive a receipt for tax deductible items in accordance with IRS requirements. Should you have questions or need special assistance, please contact our church office at 540-774-1684 x 110 or by e-mail to secretary@grandincourtbaptist.org.
Cash, checks or money orders may be given during Sunday morning worship or dropped off at Grandin Court Baptist Church office during normal business hours. Please note that when providing cash or money order, it should be placed in an envelope along with name and address so that a tax deductible receipt is available.
GCBC accepts online donations through Tithely. The button below will take you to a secure website where you can donate. GCBC does not obtain your credit card information, that information is only used by Tithely. Tithely retains 2.9% of the transaction amount plus a $0.30 processing fee on all online transactions. You may choose to cover that amount as you give. Regardless, GCBC credits the giver with the full amount of the donation.
Passive Giving is giving that you set up and don’t have to think about again – this can be automatic donations you set up through your bank or Tithely, or it can be through outside organizations that give a percentage of your spending back to an organization. Grandin Court Baptist Church has one such passive stream of giving. Get set up today!
Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts.
You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number/amount (ex. 250) and hitting send!