Middle School and High School are a time where students are trying to figure out who they are, what responsibility is, and where their faith fits in. As a youth group, we strive to balance learning and playing, fellowship and study. Part of our learning is taking ownership of our faith and creating opportunities to serve our community. At Grandin Court, we are learning from the research of the Fuller Youth Institute, and strive to create an intergenerational atmosphere where our students are learning from those more experienced in life, but are also leading and mentoring our younger students.


Typical Weekly Schedule
Come visit and get to know us at any of our events!

Sunday Schedule

11am – Sunday School: We have a middle school class and high school class that meets after morning worship. We focus on learning the Bible and relating it to our everyday lives. Middle school focuses on the learning to wonder and delve deeper into the Biblical story, and high school focuses on how to convey the Biblical story as well as connecting it to their life story.

September to November, January to April
Sunday Night
4:00-5:30pm – Youth: This is a time for all the youth to come together to fellowship through various activities and study. Our activities vary from time learning some music together, a mission project, time at the park, or playing games in our MAC. This is a time for students to de-stress amidst the pressures of being a teen.

Wednesday Schedule

5:30pm – The church has a family fellowship time where we can connect over a meal.

6:15pm – Bible Study: The youth join the adults for an in-depth Bible study.

Regular Opportunities to Travel and Grow
Retreats and Trips throughout the years

Many youth groups have events that are strictly for youth and their chaperones, and we have some of those. We also have trips and events designed to build community with the wider body of believers that surround and support us. To that end, we have transitioned to a mix of youth focused events, to events that support out growing faith in intergenerational settings. The typical "youth mission trip" has transformed in amazing ways. To learn more about that shift and upcoming trips, please click here.

Yearly events include:
Senior Adult Sunday when the youth serve the senior adults in our community who carve the path before us
Graduation Sunday where we commission the seniors and show our continued support to them as they begin the next part of their journey.
The Day – A day of service and fun before school starts back in the fall.
MUD Night – The night we welcome the rising 6th graders into youth group with games on the front lawn.

Events in 2023:
An intergenerational trip to serve in Bluefield, WV
Indoor Mini-golf Fundraiser

Events in 2022:
Spring Clean-Up and Retreat at Eagle Eyrie
An intergenerational trip to serve in Puerto Rico

Other trips have included New York City, Nashville, Appomattox, Atlanta, recovery trips to South Carolina, North Carolina, parts of Virginia, and more.